Sunday 21 October 2012

21 Ways to get involved with the A21 Campaign (Suggestion 2 of 21): fast on the 21st

Today we’re back to 21 ways to get involved with the A21 Campaign to fight against modern day slavery and human trafficking ( Suggestion 2 of 21: fast on the 21st.

Every day millions of people are starving and unable to feed their families. I can’t imagine how it would feel to physically have no food at all available to eat or to give to your children to eat! But sadly, that is an every day reality for many around the world.

Today’s suggestion from the A21 Campaign is that, on the 21st day of every month (today for example), you fast to show solidarity for the millions of people around the world who are going without food for many or even all of their meals each day. Fasting is simply giving up food for a period of time. During this time it is also suggested/advised that you pray for/about something specific. In this case, world hunger, poverty and abolishing slavery.

Fasting can sound like a scary concept, but really it is up to you how you interpret it. Some people might like to fast for one meal, two meals or all three of their meals. I find it easier to fast from after lunch through to the next morning, as I find that I can’t concentrate/work during the day if I do any more than that! (not good when you work with small children!). Some months, I may feel it is necessary to fast more than just that one meal, so I will.

Others may do specific fasts where they are only allowed to have certain foods over a period of time. An American contact of mine (Gina) has committed to over 100 days of this kind of fast on an extremely low calorie intake as a pledge of solidarity to those starving all around the world (so really one day a month is not so bad!). She is documenting this on her blog One Daily Serving: A challenge to raise awareness of world hunger—one daily serving for one daily serving Jesus Christ. Go to to check it out to see how she is doing!

Choosing to fast on the 21st of every month is a way of showing your commitment to ending the injustice of modern day slavery and human trafficking. So make a start TODAY! Join people all around the world who are fasting to see and end to this injustice!


Ronell x

“This is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people.” {Isaiah 58v6}

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